Sustainable developement
Sparebanken Møre has roots stretching back to a number of local communities in Nordvestlandet with the oldest bank being established in 1843. Ever since the first banks saw the light of day, they have played an important role in their various local communities. The same is true today. Our goal is to be a driving force for sustainable development in our region going foreward.
Both Norway and the world community urgently need to restructure in the next few years in
order to achieve the climate targets for 2030. As a regional savings bank, we have the power to
influence, both through the projects we get involved in as well as through our everyday
banking activities. This presents us with opportunities that we take very seriously.
Sustainability library
Overarching sustainability strategy
Report under the Norwegian Transparency Act (in Norwegian only)
Sustainability and social responsibility report - 2023
Sustainability and social responsibility report - 2022
Sustainability and social responsibility report - 2021
Sustainability and social responsibility report - 2020
Sustainability and social responsibility report - 2019
Code of Conduct and Corporate Social Responsibility
Guidelines for Equality, Diversity and Anti-Discrimination
Guidelines for Conflict of Interest
Freedom of Association
PRB - Reporting and self-assessment march 2024 (FY2023)
PRB - Reporting and self-assessment march 2023 (FY2022)
PRB - Reporting and self-assessment 2022_03_SBM (FY2021)
PRB - Reporting and self-assessment 2021_SBM
PRB - Independent review UN PRB 2021_KPMG
PRB impact analysis _english
PRB signatory
Environmental gurantee - renewable energy
ESG Risk Rating
Executive pay report - in norwegian only
Policy responsible credit - in norwegain only
Marketing policy - in norwegian only
Whistleblower in Sparebanken Møre - in norwegian only
Program against corruption and bribery - in norwegian only
2022_Sparebanken Møre portfolio footprint - by Multiconsult
Guidelines for the remuneration scheme for senior executives (in norwegian only)
Eco light house certificat - 2022-2025 (in norwegian)
ESG policy for our supply chain (in norwegian)
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